The IQAC of our college organized a staff induction programme on 20th May 2024.This programme provide guidance to the staff of the college on planning semesters with a learner-centric approach. The aim is to make use of available technologies, thereby making the teaching-learning experience more engaging and enthusiastic. The event began with a welcome address by Mrs. Priyanka K. P. (IQAC Coordinator), followed by a Presidential Address by Mrs. Shahira M. K. (Vice Principal,). The programme was inaugurated by Dr. K. M. Naseer (Principal). Mr. Nikhil C. K. (Staff Secretary) felicitated the gathering. The inaugural programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Pradeep Kumar (Convenor, Staff Induction Programme).
The Induction program started at 9.30 am at Computer Lab and ended at 5 pm .Resource persons of our programmes are Dr. BIJU K (Assistant Professor of Education School of Education and Training, Central University of Tamil Nadu), Dr. ASHKARALI (Assistant Professor of Electronics, Govt. Arts and Science College, Tanur)& Mr.DANISH NIZAR K. K(Assistant Professor of English ,Govt. Arts and Science College, Tanur).The Event is conducted in four sessions: