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Nourish and Artistry: The Intersection of Health and Culinary Creativity

Department of Food Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Malabar College, organized a unique competition titled “Nourish and Artistry: A Healthy Balanced Plate Challenge.” This event brought together Food Technology students to create visually appealing and nutritionally balanced meals.

Shielding the Earth: Understanding Ozone Day

The Computer Science Department recently conducted an enlightening documentary program titled “Shielding the Earth: Understanding Ozone Day” for first-year students. The session provided participants with valuable insights into the importance of Ozone Day and the critical role the ozone layer plays in safeguarding our planet. 

Learnify:Digital Learning for BBA Students

The Department of Management Studies, in association with IQAC, conducted the “Learnify” LMS learning program for 2nd-year BBA students. The program aimed to familiarize students with the Learning Management System (LMS) to enhance their digital learning experience and improve their academic performance through efficient use of online resources.